Today I met the team for the project: JADE, LAUREN & SARAH.
I already knew Jade quite well as we were both in Vis Com and had worked together on previous projects so for me it was about getting to know Lauren and Sarah. I was really pleased to hear that we all had different styles and techniques. Sarah's work was very illustrative, Lauren liked to make things/models and Jade enjoyed being a more decorative style. And myself, I like to use photography in my work. So we have a good rounded team.
We quickly researched both Blue Roses and The HIVE and our first thoughts were that we wanted to do the Blue Roses. I was keen on the idea because I have actually worked with bands in the past and designed artwork for their posters, EPs, etc. I was a bit concerned that designing another band album cover wouldn't be something fresh and new to me but I then thought that I could perhaps bring my experience to the table and explore new paths.
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