I had example of people camouflaged against walls covered in decorative paint and thought that this would be a very creative and fun and varied path to explore. Although it could prove to be difficult to execute if we used actual people against walls.
Jade brought in little boxes and trinkets/lockets, etc and explained that secrets things could be kept inside.
Sarah brought in various images of vintage wallpapers which would work well with my camouflaged idea.
Lauren had watched the 1993 film The Secret Garden and she showed the team a scene from the film where the lead character wanders around a grand, old and unfamiliar house exploring forgotten rooms where the furniture had been covered with blankets and dust. The little girl snoops into drawers and finds a large key (which turns out to the key to the Secret Garden).
From watching this scene I came about the idea of having dust covering various objects such as Jades little boxes, lockets, etc. I thought this was a variation of the camouflage idea and would represent something that had been locked away and forgotten about like a secret. I thought dust would create rather dark imagery and mystery and perhaps even a sense of magic? The pictured lots of gray and black with dust lingering in the air.
We talked about having a dressing table covered in various items and all covered in dust: mirror, lockets, diary, boxes, tins - keeping it into the theme of 'secrets' where things can be stired safely or hidden. The mirror would be more metaphorical as it witnesses many things, for example. We could perhaps have some sort of imagery created from a reflection.
After our discussion we ventured into town and bought various items for our theme as well as flour and charcoal to create our dust. I suggested we used the dust from my vacuum cleaner but the girls weren't too keen on this idea!
We returned to Uni and proceeded to create a quick mock-up scene of a table top (or some wooden surface) with our items sitting on and have it all covered in our 'dust'.
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