I got the projection working and we were able to put our slideshow on the big screen. At this point it was only Jade that was speaking. Eventually I said that I wanted to speak also. I said this because Jade had quite a lot to say and I wasn't actually doing anything and what Lauren and Sarah was quite minimal - Lauren the slideshow and Sarah was simply handing the CD out.
Here an interesting revelation arose. Lauren didn't want me to speak because I was male. And Laura Groves was female. There was also a comment that all of the other groups would have male speakers so it would be nice to have a female in our group speaking. I said that this was quite a sexist comment and it was then commented that all girls knew it was sexist but no-one really cared. I was astonished. I'm not too bothered about sexism as I know it exists even though people say they aren't. It was the hypocrisy. If it had been 3 guys and 1 girl I can imagine there would be hell to pay. Also that the decision had been made when I was out of the room. After heated discussion it was decided that I could speak although no doubt this was simply to keep me happy.
From here I constantly made little jokes and stabs about the sexist attitudes in the group but I couldn't help myself.
We stayed at the library until 2am. We had the slideshow complete but our presentation still needed polishing. We decided to call it a night and we were going to meet up at 1oam that morning and continue rehearsing the speech.
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