Wednesday 3 February 2010

Monday 1st February

Although we were all in on Friday we didn't actually meet up and discuss any further on our ideas or about the presentation on Thursday. So today was a catch-up in my eyes where we discussed the events of last week and shared any further ideas that had developed over the weekend.

We had an intense discussion of exactly how our ideas were going to work. We had lots of ideas and had a general idea of how it would all work but when we actually attempted to visualise the final product we realised that maybe as a whole not everything would work.

We want to create our CD packaging as a book with a hardcover and a dust jacket. The hardcover would just be a faded blue colour and made of a canvas material similar to old books we had found. We wanted the pages to follow this old book style (off-white coloring, times-style font, etc) but realsied that our images as they were would perhaps look to conpempory for this style of book.

I toyed around with the idea that maybe this clash of old and new would create an interesting hybrid and could possibly work. I saw Blue Roses in a similar fashion: they were a folk band with a retro/traditional style but they were a modern band and their sound did have a modern sound buried beneath it's traditional roots.

After this we discussed the photo- shoot for tomorrow and exactly what shots we wanted to get and what sort of narrative we wanted to create with our images. In the end we decided that the pages of the book could be a collection of song lyrics with images representing each one. For example, one of the Blue roses songs is about time stopping and for this we could use Lauren's grandfather's pocket watch that was actually broken and had 'stopped'.

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