Monday - Interviews were taking place today s we set up shop in Studio 4. We had all of our designs (except the dust jacket) completed and this week it was a case of making it and putting it all together. Lauren and I went to town to get our paper/card, etc whilst Jade stayed at uni to complete the website and Sarah stayed to work on the postcards.
Lauren explained that she had to go to London tomorrow (Tuesday) for Professional Collaboration so she made two card wallets before she went.

We bought the paper, card and some blue ribbon although we weren't too sure if we wanted white of champagne. In the end we bought both but we did really struggle with what to do for the dust jacket. The original paper we wanted that was textured we could only get in A4 and would be too small to fit right around the CD. At one point Lauren suggested we forget the idea but I was
insistant and this was the one thing that I refused to budge on. Realizing we couldn't get what we were after for the dust jacket we decided that the dust jacket should just be white or champagne.
On our paper hunt we also came across a florist that was selling Blue Roses and I bought one.

Tuesday - Today I had booked an appointment to use the laser cutter. We had played with the idea to have the logo embossed on the card wallet that would be hidden under the dust jacket.

I got the logo on wood but I decided that because it was so small and fine and that I'd have to make another CD wallet I wouldn't use the emboss idea. I was becoming very frustrated at this point as I still hadn't printed the inner booklet for the CD and I wasn't happy with the dust jacket just being white. I thought it
defiently needed something more. Also, the CD had come from the dusty scene in our main image therefore the jacket should look at least though it was dusty.
I couldn't sleep the night before as dust jacket problem was on my mind so I was very tired and
aggitated. I tried many ideas and none of which were working. I scanned in the wooden logo I had
lasered covered in dust and it look quite awful.

I gave up on this in the evening. I was really worried about the way things were looking at this point. Jade had gone for a collaboration meeting and it was just Sarah and I left. I had finally printed the booklet and so I sat in the studio trying to stitch it all together. Because of my frustration I found it very difficult to stitch. It took me much longer than I expected after much cursing and hopelessness I finally got both booklets stitch and attached to the CD wallets.
By this time I went home and had my tea. I still wanted to get this dust jacket completed so I quickly came up with an idea where I simply lightly sprinkled the fake dust onto some paper and scanned it in and this time is actually looked good. Not too murky or overdone. I then went to the library and stayed until I had completed the dust jackets and bone folded them and fitted them to the CD wallets. I left the library just after midnight but I was very happy and relieved.
Wednesday - We all met up and I showed the group the CD wallets. They liked what I had done overall but Lauren wanted to change/add a thing or two - a border on the dust jacket cover, changes to the blue ribbon bookmark, etc.
At this point, the website was
cmplete and all we had to do was the postcards, the CD sticker design and script &
reherse our presentation. I knew we had a lot to do but I knew we could do it in time tomorrow if we all worked at it hard all day. One thing I was concerned about was that the postcards still weren't complete. I did get annoyed at this but I understood that Sarah wasn't too familiar with
Photoshop so editing and printing was quite a challenge for her.
We spent most of the day designing the CD sticker and then I went to Hobs to get it printed onto a CD sticker. I thought thus would be simple enough but in the end it took Hobs 2 hours to do. They couldn't get the design to match the circular shape and I had to put the designs into Illustrator and then into
InDesign and then eventually we had something that although wasn't perfect it was close enough.
I got back to uni with the CD stickers and the card for Sarah to print the postcards on. When she showed us the finished postcards we all noticed that some things still were not right. So we had to spend another hour correcting the postcards. Although it wasn't any one person's fault I just couldn't believe that it had taken 3 days to make 3 postcards.